EINECS-No.: 237-396-1
EINECS Name: nickel bis(sulphamidate)
Synonyms: nickel sulphamate; Sulfamic acid nickel(2+) salt(2:1)
CAS-No.: 13770-89-3 (anhydrous) // 124594-15-6 (tetrahydrated)
Molecular formula: Ni(SO3NH2)2 // Ni(SO3NH2)2.4H2O
Molecular weight: 250.85 g/mol // 322.91 g/mol
Download the Substance Identification Profile (SIP)
The Lead Registrant has successfully submit the Registration Dossier for the first registration date of 30 November 2010.
To consult the list of registered uses for nickel bis(sulphamidate), please visit the Exposure Scenarios Library
There is no notification by a « Lead Notifier ». However, as a service to industry, the Nickel REACH Consortia will freely communicate the information required for classification and labelling of the substances covered by the Consortia. This information is provided in .i6z (IUCLID 6) format each time a potential registrant intends to join the Joint Submission and includes Section 1.1 (reference substance), 1.2 and 2.1. It is up to the company to complete Section 1.1 (legal entity specific information), to review section 1.2 and to fill section 1.4, since these sections are company-specific.
You can check here the classification of pure substances (without impurities) covered by the Nickel REACH Consortia.
For any further assistance regarding Classification & Labelling please contact reach@nickelinstitute.org.
The Nickel REACH Consortia has established a voluntary procedure to update all the REACH Registration dossiers on a regular basis. These updates are based on two levels of priorities set by the Consortia members. According to these priorities, the most urgent updates (including the incorporation of new exposure scenarios to cover new identified uses, new DNELs or PNECs) are submitted every year. Other updates, such as the inclusion of new exposure data in the existing exposure scenarios, will be updated every two years.
In addition, a complete revision of all the exposure scenarios was completed in 2017 for all the uses and substances covered by the Nickel REACH Consortia. The continuous collaboration of manufacturers and downstream users is crucial to improve the exposure scenarios.
Learn more on overall process for annually updating the Ni REACH Dossiers.
If you would like to be informed on the progress of REACH Preparatory Work, you need to be a SIEF member. As a SIEF member, you will receive a SIEF Newsflash. If you have not received it, or if you want to become a SIEF member, please contact us.
Learn more on how to access the data required for REACH.
Learn more on how to get the rights to refer to the data required for REACH.